Get Smart with PitchBook Mobile
As the lead mobile designer, I lead the redesign of our mobile application, converting the app to full native iOS, Android experiences.
About the project
PitchBook mobile gives our clients access to our database anywhere, any time, so they can quickly prep their meeting with deal and fund data, easily reference their saves searches and history, and access contact information and directly reach out to deal makers and executives.
Pocket Experience
Full Database
PB Mobile’s target users are higher level managing directors, who are on the go and in meetings.
With the ability to access the entire PB Data base anytime anywhere, users can prepare and look up information before and during the meeting.
Quick & Digestable
One of our biggest challenge is organizing large amount of data in a way that is digestable on a mobile device.
We redesigned the page layout and added visual elements to help users consume data more effectively.
Redesigning the app in its native OS means we are able to use standard conventions to provide the most intuitive user experience.
We’ve optimized the mobile experience by using standard iOS and Android conventions. We redesigned many features to make sure they feel natural on its native devices.
Defining Persona
After talking to clients and discussing with the leadership team, we defined our persona to be a 35 yo managing director.
Define Visual Language
Inspired by Material Design, I came up with PitchBook Mobiles own design language
Wireframes & Iterations
Just a couple out of a handful of iterations we went through
We identified three of the most commonly used actions and made them more discoverable on profiles.
We tried multiple ways of showing investor relationship on mobile, but later found out that “With”  is the most commonly viewed relationship.
Primary Actions
To accomadate this usage, we dedicated a section to make these three options extremely prominent.
Around 92% of our users log on and immediately jump to a search. After locating an entity of their interest, their paths usually ends with a follow, a contact info, or simply closing the app.
After looking deeper into the usage patterns and talking to more clients, we learned that PB mobile users need to find information quickly and take an action.
Key Insights
High level managers such as managing directors (MD) and general partners (GP) are those who run the firm, make the investment decisions, and sit on company boards. They have busy schedules and are in and out of meetings. They rely heavily on PitchBook mobile to quickly prepare for meetings.
To better serve these MDs and GPs, we came up with the key insights feature, so they can quickly swipe through data points that can immediately provide them insights on a company.
Long Titles and Breadcrumbs
The PitchBook platform has a comprehensive relational structure that allows users to easily navigate from entity to entity, but it also runs the risk of having users get lost in the sea of information.  In addition, with so many diffrent types of entities in the database, displaying long titles can be trublesome.
To solve these two problems, I came up with an interaction that expands the app bar when users tap on it. The expanded app bar gives room for both the bread crumb and the full title.
It’s great. See it in action.